



发布于2014-07-07  访问次数:8138  来源:本站



2001年3月-2005年6月  兰州大学资源环境学院环境变化与管理博士研究生,获理学博士学位
1991年9月-1992年9月  加拿大Simon Fraser University学习“高等翻译”,获得“加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省翻译协会”和Simon Fraser University颁发的“高等翻译资格证书”
1991年3月-1991年7月  北京师范大学“中国-加拿大语言中心”进修英语,获得“出国留学资格证书”
1987年9月-1990年6月  甘肃农业大学草业学院硕士研究生,获得农学硕士学位
1980年9月-1984年7月  甘肃农业大学草业学院本科,获得农学学士学位










7.1997年5月:“新西兰、澳大利亚农产品出口战略及对我们的启示” 获得甘肃省社会科学优秀成果评奖委员会三等奖。








⊿ 项目名称:世界银行综合绵羊发展项目
      √ 评估世界银行项目办公室的人力资源
      √ 评估项目的可行性报告
      √ 制定自然资源管理计划
      √ 项目设计
      √ 向世界银行项目经理提交报告
⊿ 项目名称:中国西部扶贫世界银行贷款项目
   项 目 区:甘肃省19个贫困县,185个乡镇,96万贫困人口
      √ 制定世界银行贷款项目策略规划;
      √ 制定世界银行贷款项目实施计划;
      √ 制定世界银行贷款项目监测评估计划;
      √ 管理项目的计划、财务、行政及人力资源;
      √ 与政府部门及世界银行进行定期协调;


⊿ 项目名称:欧盟-中国乳制品及食品加工行业的技术及商务合作项目
      √ 制定项目策略规划;
      √ 评估项目县的可行性研究报告;
      √ 协调项目的配套资金;
      √ 设计项目的监测评估体系;
      √ 与中国中央项目办公室及欧盟代表团进行项目管理的日常协调;
      √ 进行项目办公室的人力资源管理、计划管理和财务管理


⊿ 项目名称:中国-澳大利亚合作黄土高原草地农业系统研究项目
      √ 设计宁县东风沟农业经济开发模型;
      √ 协助澳大利亚农业专家实施农业生态系统研究;
      √ 为澳大利亚专家进行文字及口头翻译。


⊿ 项目名称:甘肃省畜牧厅项目外事处国际合作项目
      √ 甘肃省宕昌县中国-日本饲料合作项目;
      √ 中国-澳大利亚草地农业系统合作项目;
      √ 兰州正大(Chin Tai)饲料公司创建;
      √ UNDP支持的畜牧学校技术合作项目。






1.丁文广,肖俊豪,汪霞 编著:《农村环境学—气候变化的视角》,甘肃人民出版社,2011
2.丁文广、陈发虎、南忠仁 著,《自然-社会环境与贫困危机研究-以甘肃省为例》(科学出版社,2008);
3.丁文广主编,汪霞、张智渊 副主编,《环境政策与分析》(21世纪全国高等院校环境系列实用规划教材)(北京大学出版社,2008,)
4.丁文广、胡小军、邓红 主编,《生态工程与农民》(兰州大学出版社,2006);
5.陈怀录 主编,丁文广 等 副主编《西部贫困地区可持续发展理论与方法》(兰州大学出版社,2001年12月)
6.丁文广、付义坤、何其健 译,《中国的牧区》(甘肃文化出版社,1995);



1.Wenguang Ding, Hewen Niu, Jinsong Chen, Jun Du, Yang Wu, Influence of household biogas digester use on household energy consumption in a semi-arid rural region of northwest China. Applied Energy. 2011 (in press). (SCI. IF: 5.016).
2.Wenguang Ding, Xuan Mi, Hewen Niu, Jinsong Chen. A Comparative Study between the Newly Improved and Chinese National Standard Biogas Digesters in a Semi-arid Region of Northwest China. Energy Sources, Part A, Recovery, Utilization, and  Environmental Effects,2012; 34:1737–1744,2012. (SCI, IF:2.14)
3.Wenguang Ding, Yunrang Xian , Ling Tao,  Jun Ren, Lijun Wang, A Research on Purification Effect of the Substrate of Constructed Wetlands with FS-G-CD-S-SS Model on Phosphorus Pollution, Procedia Environmental Sciences 10 (2011) 2645 – 2653. (SCI)
4.Wenguang Ding, Yang Wu, Xia Wang, Yayu Gao, Family-size Biogas Plant Using Manure and Urine Mixture at Ambient Temperature in Semi-arid Regions of Northwestern China, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Issue 65, April 2010 ISSN 2070-3724,1206-1216. (EI)
5.Wenguang Ding, Yunrang Xian, Yinli Wei, Lijun Wang, the Effect of Biogas Technology Adoption upon Women Living in Poverty Community, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011 - Proceedings, p 2675-2679, 2011, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011.(EI)
6.Wenguang Ding, Wang, Lijun; Chen, Jinsong; Xian, Yunrang; Chen, Baoyu,The review of domestic and international biogas frontiers and technical achievements A study of the development of biogas technology in Gansu Province - In Xiyang city as an example, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011 - Proceedings, p 3739-3744, 2011, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011 – Proceedings. (EI).
7.Wenguang Ding, Juan Yu, Xiujuan Wang, Jian Liu. Living Intelligently with Risks—An Application of CBDRM in Mitigating Landslides (A Case Study of Landslides Control Project Supported by Oxfam). Proceeding of International Disaster Reduction Conference, 2007. Harbin, China. Strategy and Implementation of Integrated Risk Management. Qunyan Press. Dec. 2007. Pages 45-46.(ISTP)
8.Wenguang Ding, Lili Hu. A Research on the Vicious-Cycle of Poverty, Environmental Degradation and Disasters in Gansu Province. Proceeding of International Disaster Reduction Conference, 2007. Harbin, China. Strategy and Implementation of Integrated Risk Management. Qunyan Press. Dec. 2007. Pages 159-160.(ISTP)
9.Hong Deng, Ding Wenguang et al., Effective Disaster Relief Actions in China through Community Participation - A Case Study in Implementation Procedures of Disaster Relief with Cooperation with Oxfam HK and Other INGOs. Proceeding of International Disaster Reduction Conference, 2007. Harbin, China. Strategy and Implementation of Integrated Risk Management. Qunyan Press. Dec. 2007. Pages 346-347.(ISTP)
14.丁文广,吴洋,牛贺文,仙昀让.中国林业CDM项目发展现状及前景研究. 西北林学院学报.2012,27(1):265-268.
16.丁文广,刘敏. 甘肃历史时期干旱、饥荒和虫害相关性研究及应对策略建议(J). 干旱区资源与环境. 2011,25 (3).113-117.
20.丁文广,雷青. 主成分分析在环境与贫困危机研究中的应用——以甘肃省43个贫困县为例[J]. 干旱区资源与环境.2007, 21 (3): 6-10.
21.丁文广,肖俊豪,汪霞.气候变化对我国森林自然灾害的影响.西北林学院学报. 2010,25(5):117-120.
22.丁文广,于娟,卜红梅. 甘肃省能源资源禀赋与贫困关系的量化研究[J]. 经济地理. 2007, 27 (6): 1025-1029.
23.胡小军,丁文广,雷青. 环境管理中的公平问题探析[J]. 环境与可持续发展. 2007, (4): 47-49.
24.丁文广,雷青,杨勤. 甘肃省夏河县草地退化驱动力及可持续发展对策研究 [J]. 干旱区资源与环境. 2007, 21 (12): 84-88.
25.丁文广,陈发虎,南忠仁.甘肃省森林资源禀赋与贫困关系的量化研究[J]. 干旱区资源与环境. 2006, 20 (6): 152-155.
26.丁文广,卜红梅,胡小军等.甘肃省水资源禀赋与贫困关系的量化研究[J]. 中国人口?资源与环境. 2006, 16 (1): 282-284.
27.丁文广,雷青,于娟.甘肃省耕地资源禀赋与贫困关系的量化研究[J]. 经济地理. 2006, 26 (4): 636-638.
28.丁文广,雷青,胡小军等.论环境政策中的公众参与[J]. 中国人口?资源与环境. 2006, 16 (2): 425-428.
29.卜红梅,丁文广.甘肃中部干旱区生态环境退化及其治理对策研究——甘肃省东乡县案例研究. 学术前沿. 2006 (5): 122-125.
30.丁文广,卜红梅,胡小军,雷青. 甘肃省草地资源禀赋与贫困关系的量化研究[J]. 干旱区资源与环境. 2005, 19 (7): 43-45.
31.丁文广,武红安. 甘肃省农民负担现状调查与减负对策研究[J]. 中国人口?资源与环境. 2005, 15 (6): 100-106.
32.丁文广,卜红梅,胡小军等.CBDM在灾害管理中的应用——云南省景东县漫湾镇滑坡治理案例研究[J]. 中国人口?资源与环境, 2005, 15: 108-110.
33.丁文广,卜红梅等.甘肃干旱区公众环境意识调查与分析[J]. 干旱区资源与环境. 2004, 18 (8 Supp.): 12-16.
34.丁文广,胡小军等. 甘肃中部干旱区退耕还林预设目标与现实差异研究[J]. 干旱区资源与环境. 2004,18 (8 Supp.): 75-81.
35.丁文广,杜国祯,卜红梅,胡小军. 参与性环境管理的理论与实践——甘肃省玛曲藏族自治县参与性草地管理案例研究[J]. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 2004, 40专辑: 277-281, 285.









Dr. Wenguang Ding


Personal Information  


Ø  Name:Dr. Ding Wenguang

Ø  Current Position

Prof. at Key Laboratory of  Western China's Environmental Systems (Ministry of Education),Lanzhou University (LAWES)and the Research School of Arid Environment and Climate Change, Lanzhou University(SAEC),China

Director, Lanzhou University Center for Western Environmental and Social Development (Lucwesd), China

Director, Gansu Yishan Yishui Center for Environmental and Social Development (NGO).

Committee Member for the 1st Session of Expert Committee of the Gansu Provincial Committee for Disaster Reduction

Ø  Degrees:Ph.D. in Science, Master’s Degree in Agronomy, Bachelor’s Degree in Agronomy

            Certificate of Advanced Interpretation and Tralslation issued by Simon Fraser University, Canada and the British Columbian Society for Translation and Interpretation, Canada.

            Certificate of Disaster Management issued by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center.

Ø  Research area:

(1)Climate change and energy. (2) Community based rural development.

(3)Poverty, disaster management and environmental management.

Ø  Contact:

            Tel: 0086-931-8915589

            Email: wgding@lzu.edu.cn or wgding@yahoo.cn

Education Background

Ø  Mar. 2001 – June 2005: Ph.D. in science, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou Univeristy, China

Ø  Sept. 1991 – Sept. 1992: Degree: Certificate of Advanced Interpreter

                       University: Simon Fraser University

                       Major: Interpretation and Translation

                       Minor: Project Evaluation and Management

                       Address: 515 Hastings Street, Vancouver

                       B.C, Canada

Ø  Mar. 1991 – July 1991: Degree: Certificate

                       Department: Canada-China Language Center

                       University: Beijing Normal University

                       Major: English

Ø  Sept. 1987 – June 1990: Degree: Master of Agricultural Sciences

                       University: Gansu Agricultural University

                       Major: Grassland Ecology

                       Minor: English

Ø  Sept. 1980 – July 1984: Degree: Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences

                       University: Gansu Agricultural University

                       Major: Grassland Sciences

                       Minor: English

Trainer and Trainee Experience


Jan. 2002 to up-to-date: Attended over 30 trainings in the area of program management, financial management, humanitarian and disaster management such as ADPC’s the Training Course on Disaster Management for Staff of Oxfam HK in China, gender, leadership skills such as Peter F. Drucker’s management workshop.


Wenguang Ding was invited as a trainer or facilitator to organize over 30 trainings and workshops in the area of PRA, women and children environmental education, development of community organizations, community-based development program designing, CBDRM (community-based disaster risk management), ecologically poverty reduction program designing, development program management and partner’s capacity building as well as strategic planning for NGOs.

Consulting Experience

Ø  Private Public Partnership Consultant for GEF China Land Degradation Management and Policy Support Project in Gansu from Jan. 2011 to Jun. 2012.

Ø  Capacity building and community organization expert for UNDP China Culture and Development Program from Aug.2009 to Dec. 2012.

Ø  Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Expert for the World Bank’s TCC5 project in Apr. 2009.

Ø  Social impact assessment consulting for provincial and local governmental organizations in Gansu province since Jan. 2002.

Ø  A peer evaluation as well as international cooperation expert for the Ministry of Science and Technology, China since Jul. 2009.

Ø  Consulting for more than 50 NGO development programs in the area of strategic planning, community-based integrated development, disaster relief, environmental education, health education, migrant workers’ children education, and rural energy programs since Jan. 2002.

Ø  The World Bank project management expert for the Western Poverty Reduction Project from Nov.1997 to Dec. 2001.

Ø  The project management expert for the World Bank China Integrated Sheep Development Project in Nov. 2000.

Project Management Experience Ø  Independent Academic and Environmental NGO Management

Since Jan. 2009, Wenguang Ding has created and led an independent academic NGO: Lanzhou University Center for Western Environmental and Social Development (LUCWESD). He is also a professor at Lanzhou University. LUCWESD focus on:

F  Promotion of the recognition of climate change impact amongst the public and communities thus allowing action against climate changes.

F  Timely extension of updated technology for mitigation of and adaptation to climate change in vulnerable communities.

F  Increase of both the public and communities’ capacity for acclimatization to climate change through capacity building and community-based development programs.

F  Improvement of environmental and climate change policy through research of current environmental policy.

F  Social and environmental impact assessment.

So far, the center has set up cooperative relations with Shih Wing Ching Foundation, Kadoorie Charitable Foundation, One Foundation and UNDP in the area of development and research programs.

Ø  Oxfam HK Program Management Experience

Wenguang Ding joined Oxfam HK in January 2002 as a regional Program Officer, and then was promoted as China Program Manager. One of Wenguang’s breakthroughs for Oxfam was that he founded the first office in northwest China for Oxfam. Wenguang’s another excellent contribution to Oxfam was to develop and extend Oxfam’s partner relationships and programs in northwest China. In addition, Wenguang was responsible for program management in the area of disaster management, ecological poverty reduction, basic education, rural health, environmental education and partners’ capacity building from Jan. 2002 to June 2007. From July 2007 to Jan. 2008, Dr. Ding became a China Program Manager in Humanitarian and Disaster Management for Oxfam HK with competitive application and interview procedures. His contributions to Oxfam HK in the past years are briefed as follows:

F  Setting up a regional office for Oxfam HK.

F  Expanding program management staff from one-person-office to 10-person-office.

F  Developing partner relationships with governmental organizations as well as NGO partners. One of examples is that he coordinated with central and provincial governmental organizations to sign several cooperative MOUs.

F  Promoting NGO development. Totally, Dr. Ding hatched more than 30 NGOs in Gansu province in the past years.

F  Supporting partners to implement development programs in the areas of livelihood, disaster management, environmental management, rural education, rural health and capacity building. Dr. Ding facilitated the local partners to implement more than 100 projects in 20 poverty counties in Gansu province. The beneficiary poverty population accounted for more than 250,000. The project funds amounted to over RMB40 million.

F  Training and developing local volunteers in development programs.

F  Working out strategic plans in regional program management and humanitarian and disaster management programs such as the Wenchuan Earthquake Recovery Programs.

F  As a lead person in humanitarian and disaster management for Oxfam China Unit, Dr. Ding regularly coordinated with Oxfam International in humanitarian response programs.

F  Managing a regional office as a program manager by facing many challenges.

Ø  World Bank Project Management

Project Name: World Bank China Western Poverty Reduction Project

Project Site: 19 poverty counties in Gansu Province.

Job   Title: Director of the Financial and Planning Division & Director of the

Human Resource Division, World Bank-China Western Poverty Reduction

Project Gansu Office (the position is equivalent to Programme Manager)

Work Period: more than 50 man-months (Nov. 1997 to Dec. 2001).

Project Area: 185 townships in 19 project counties, the beneficiary people consist of 960,000 poor farmers.

Work Task:

(1)     Working out the strategic planning for the World Bank project;

(2)     Working out the Project Implementation Plans for the World Bank;

(3)     Working out the monitoring plans;

(4)     Managing finance, planning, administration and human resources;

(5)     Coordinating with governmental organizations and the World Bank.

   Loan Amount: World Bank loan: RMB700 million and the counterpart investment

RMB700 million. The annual budget is more than RMB300 million.

Ø  State Council’s Poverty Alleviation Office Project Management

Project Name: Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Plan for State Council Poverty

Alleviation and Development Office

Project Site: Jingning County, Qinan County and Qinchen District in Gansu Province

Job   Title: Participatory Poverty Reduction Specialist

Work Period: 3 man-months (Sept. to Nov. 2001)

Work Task:

(1)       Working out PRA plans and work procedures for the Poverty Reduction Demonstration counties selected by China State Council Poverty Alleviation and Development Office;

(2)       Coordinating between poverty households and local governments;

(3)       Working out project implementation plans for demonstration counties; and

(4)       Submitting the Extension Report of PRA Plans to the State Council Poverty Alleviation and Development Office.

   Investment Amount: RMB10 million.

Ø  European Union – China Technical and Commercial Cooperation within the Dairy and Food Processing Sector

Project Site: Zhangye City, Lingze County, Wuwei County, Heshui County, and Lanzhou City

Job Title:  Task Manager/ Poverty Reduction and Agricultural Specialist

Work Period: 16 man-months (Jul. 1996 to Oct. 1997)

Work Task:

(1)     Working out project strategic planning;

(2)     Reviewing Feasibility Study Reports submitted by project counties;

(3)     Coordinating allocation of counterpart funds;

(4)     Designing the project monitoring and inspection system;

(5)     Coordinating with the EU Mission and the Ministry of Agriculture; and

(6)     Managing human resources, planning and finance.

Investment Amount: USD20 million.

Ø  Sino-Australia Cooperative Project Management Experience

Project Name: The Loess Plateau Grassland Farming System Research Project

Project Site: Qingyang Prefecture, Gansu Province

Job Title:  Assistant to the Research Fellow and Project Interpreter and Translator

Work Period: 9 man-months (Nov. 1989 to Jun. 1990)

Work Task:

(1)    To design agro-economic development models for Dongfeng Ravine in Ning County;

(2)    To assit Australian specialists to conduct farming system research; and

(3)    To interpret and translate for Australian experts.

Investment Amount: AUD20 million.

Ø  International Cooperation Projects in Gansu Animal Husbandry System

Project Site: Gansu Province

Job Title: Foreign Project Officer

Work Period: 6 years (Jul. 1990 to Jun. 1996)


(1)     Sino-Japanese Feed and Fodder Cooperation Project in Dangchang County, Gansu Province;

(2)     The Loess Plateau Farming System Research Project funded by the Hassell Agricultural Consulting Co., Australia;

(3)     Lanzhou Chin Thai Feed and Fodder Incorporation, a joint venture set up by Thailand and Gansu; and

(4)     Technical School Assistant Project funded by the UNDP.

Accumulative Investment Amount: RMB300 million.


Research Projects in Recent Years

Ø  Jan. 2012 to Dec. 2015: Project leader for Chinese National Science and Technology Pillar Program: Research on Impact of Climate Change on Desertification and Risk Assessment Techniques (2012BAC19B09). Research budget: RMB2.35 million.

Ø  Oct. 2012 to Aug. 2013: Project leader for Monitoring and Evaluation of Enterprise Project Construction on Grassland Ecological Environment. Project budget: RMB150,000.

Ø  July 2011 to Dec. 2012: Project leader for Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Pillar Program:  A research on innovative model and mechanism for poverty reduction in 21stcentury in Gansu province (1104NKCA078). Research budget: RMB80,000.

Ø  July 2009 to July 2010: Project leader for Spark Program Project in Gansu Province: Improvement and Demonstration Project for Hydraulic Biogas Digesters for Rural Households in Gansu Province (0910XCNA065). Research budget: RMB100,000.

Ø  Apr. 2011 to Oct. 2012: Project leader for UN Women supported project: Legal Advocacy for the Gender-sensitive Implementation of Regulations Addressing Climate Change. Research budget: RMB250,000.

Ø  Oct. 2010 to Jun. 2012: Project leader for Misereor funded project: Advocating Vulnerable Groups to Participate in Legislation in Gansu Province. Research budget: RMB290,000.

Ø  Apr. 2010 to Dec. 2011: Project leader for Kadoorie Charitable Foundation funded project: Ecologically Poverty Reduction and Women’s Environmental and Health Education Project. Research budget: RMB950,000.

Ø  Apr. 2009 to Dec. 2012: Project leader for Shih Wing Ching Foundation funded project: Ecological Rehabilitation, Livelihood Improvement and Disaster Risk Management. Research budget: RMB3 million.

Ø  Sept. 2011 to Jun. 2012: Project leader for One Foundation funded project: “5. 12” Post-Earthquake Reconstruction and Ecological Rehabilitation Project. Research budget: RMB1.2million.

Ø  Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2012: Corporate and other government funded research project: RMB3million.



Representative Books:

1.         Rural Environmentology: Seeing from climate change perspective. Gansu People’s Press, Lanzhou, Dec. 2011.

2.         Environmental Policy and Analysis, Peking University Press, Beijing, Aug. 2008.

3.         A Research on Natural-Social Environment and Poverty-A Case Study in Gansu Province, Science Press, Beijing, May 2008.

4.         Ecological Programs and Farmers-A Case Study in Afforestation Policy in Gansu Province, Lanzhou University Press, Oct. 2006.

5.         China’s Pastoral Region translated and published in Chinese version from John. W. Longworth and Gregory J. Williamson’s Book published in English by ACIAR and CAB International.


1.         Wenguang Ding, Hewen Niu, Jinsong Chen, Jun Du, Yang Wu, Influence of household biogas digester use on household energy consumption in a semi-arid rural region of northwest China. Applied Energy 2012; 97:16-23. (SCI. IF: 5.016).

2.         Wenguang Ding, Xuan Mi, Hewen Niu, Jinsong Chen. A Comparative Study between the Newly Improved and Chinese National Standard Biogas Digesters in a Semi-arid Region of Northwest China. Energy Sources, Part A, Recovery, Utilization, and  Environmental Effects,2012; 34:1737–1744,2012. (SCI, IF:2.14)

3.         Xia Wang, Zhongren Nan, Wenguang Ding, Shengli Wang, Yiming Yang, Bin Wang ﹠Zhaowei Wang. Chemical Fraction of Heavy Metals in an Oasis Soil and Their Bioavailability to Cole, Arid Land Reach and Management, 2012, 26(2):166-180. (SCI)

4.         Xia Wang, Wenguang Ding, Zhongren Nan, Qin Liao, Wenfei Wu. Fractions and Bioavailability of Cadmium and Nickel to Carrot Crops in Oasis Soil, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2012, 21(6):1876-1874. (SCI)

5.         Wenguang Ding, Yunrang Xian , Ling Tao,  Jun Ren, Lijun Wang, A Research on Purification Effect of the Substrate of Constructed Wetlands with FS-G-CD-S-SS Model on Phosphorus Pollution, Procedia Environmental Sciences 10 (2011) 2645 – 2653. (SCI)

6.         Wenguang Ding, Yang Wu, Xia Wang, Yayu Gao, Family-size Biogas Plant Using Manure and Urine Mixture at Ambient Temperature in Semi-arid Regions of Northwestern China, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Issue 65, April 2010 ISSN 2070-3724,1206-1216. (EI)

7.         Wenguang Ding, Yunrang Xian, Yinli Wei, Lijun Wang, the Effect of Biogas Technology Adoption upon Women Living in Poverty Community, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011 - Proceedings, p 2675-2679, 2011, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011.(EI)

8.         Wenguang Ding, Wang, Lijun; Chen, Jinsong; Xian, Yunrang; Chen, Baoyu,The review of domestic and international biogas frontiers and technical achievements A study of the development of biogas technology in Gansu Province - In Xiyang city as an example, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011 - Proceedings, p 3739-3744, 2011, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011 – Proceedings. (EI).

9.         Wenguang Ding, Juan Yu, Xiujuan Wang, Jian Liu. Living Intelligently with Risks—An Application of CBDRM in Mitigating Landslides (A Case Study of Landslides Control Project Supported by Oxfam). Proceeding of International Disaster Reduction Conference, 2007. Harbin, China. Strategy and Implementation of Integrated Risk Management. Qunyan Press. Dec. 2007. Pages 45-46.(ISTP)

10.     Wenguang Ding, Lili Hu. A Research on the Vicious-Cycle of Poverty, Environmental Degradation and Disasters in Gansu Province. Proceeding of International Disaster Reduction Conference, 2007. Harbin, China. Strategy and Implementation of Integrated Risk Management. Qunyan Press. Dec. 2007. Pages 159-160.(ISTP)

11.     Hong Deng, Ding Wenguang et al., Effective Disaster Relief Actions in China through Community Participation - A Case Study in Implementation Procedures of Disaster Relief with Cooperation with Oxfam HK and Other INGOs. Proceeding of International Disaster Reduction Conference, 2007. Harbin, China. Strategy and Implementation of Integrated Risk Management. Qunyan Press. Dec. 2007. Pages 346-347.(ISTP)

12.     Ding Wenguang, Wei Yinli, Xian Yunrang et al. A Study on Climate Change on Agriculture in Arid Regions and Countermeasures—A Case Study in Gansu Province. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2012, 26(5):35-40.

13.     Ding Wenguang, Chen Baoyu, Xian Yunrang. A Quantative Research on Values of Rural Biogas Digesters in Gansu Province: A Case Study in Xiyang Township, Gansu Province. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2012,28(2):184-188.

14.     Ding Wenguang et al. A Study on Land Use History in Arid Zone in Gansu Province. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2012,26(2):89-93.

15.     Ding Wenguang, Wei Yinli, et al. A Study on Influence of Vegetation Restoration on Soil Nutrient Changes in Central Arid Zones in Gansu Province. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2012,26(01):159-163.

16.     Ding Wenguang, Wu Yang, et al. A Study on Current CDM Development Status and Prospects for Chinese Forestry. Journal of Northwest Forestry University. 2012,27(1):265-268.

17.     Ding Wenguang, Chen Dongmei. Climate Disaster Risk Management in Rural Poverty Region of China. China Poverty Reduction. 2011.6:46-48.

18.     Ding Wenguang, Liu Min. A Study on Correlation among Drought, Famine and Insect Pest in Historical Period of Gansu Province. 2011,25 (3).113-117.

19.     Ding Wenguang, Chen Jinson, et al. A Study on Visible Spectrum of Soil Nutrients. Chinese Agricultural Bulletin. 2011,27(12):117-123.

20.     Ding Wenguang, Chen Jinson, et al. A Study on Relation between Visible Spectrum and Soil Fertility in Semi-arid Zones of China. Agricultural Research in Arid Zones. 2011,29(3):150-155.

21.     Ding Wenguang, Niu Hewen, et al. Experiment Study on Table-flap Wavy Flow and Artificial Stuffing Treatment of Wastewater. Environmental Science and Technology. 2011,34(4):145-147,183.

22.     Ding Wenguang, Wei Yinli, et al . A Study on Soil Nutrient Effect of Vegetation Restoration in Arid Zones of Northwest China. Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2010,19(11):2568-2573.

23.     Ding Wenguang, Chen Dongmei. A Research on Disaster Risk Management in Rural Poverty Region of China. Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2010,24(5):69-73.

24.     Ding Wenguang, Xiao Junhao, Wang Xia. Influence of Climate Changes on Natural Disaster in Forests in China[J]. Journal of Northwest Forestry University. 2010, 25 (5): 117-120.

25.     Ding Wenguang, Wu Yang. Study on Trans-basin Compensation Mechanism of Yangtze River Basin in Post-kyoto [J]. Modern Agricultural Technology. 2010 (2): 280-282.

26.     Ding Wenguang, Hu Lili, Wang Xiujuan. A research on the natural social environment and poverty crisis in Gansu Province [J]. Environment and Sustainable Development. 2008 (3): 17-19.

27.     Ding Wenguang, Wang Xiujuan, Hu Lili, Liu Jian. Research on the Correlations between Mitigation Input and Disaster Loses in China [J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences. 2008, 36 (8): 3446-3448, 3484.

28.     Ding Wenguang et al., A comparative research on disaster management system between China and developed countries [J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences. 2008, 36 (9): 3888-3891, 3899.

29.     Ding Wenguang, Chen Dongmei. Risk Management of Wetland Disasters Caused by Human Factors [J]. Forest Resources Management. 2008, (5): 32-36.

30.     Ding Wenguang, Bu Hongmei. Influences of Industry Structure Adjustment on Water Resources Utilization in Shiyang River Basin [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2008, (11): 19-23.

31.     Qin Jing, Ding Wenguang. A Study on Forest Communities in Forest Edge Zone in Nature Reserve--Taking Baishuijiang Nature Reserve as an example [J]. Forest Resources Management. 2007 (4): 43-48.

32.     Ding Wenguang, Han Tao. To Evaluate Performance of Reforestation Policy by Using SMART and PM & E—A Case Study in Dingxi and Pingliang, Gansu Province [J]. Inner Mongolia Social Sciences. 2007, 28 (2): 94-99.

33.     Ding Wenguang, Lei Qing. An Application of Principal Component Analysis in the Research on Poverty and Natural-Social Environment—A Case Study of 43 Poverty Counties in Gansu Province [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2007, 21 (3): 6-10.

34.     Ding Wenguang et al., Analysis of vicious circle between natural-social environment and poverty in Wen County of Gansu Province [J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences. 2007, 35 (25): 7966-7967, 7976.

35.     Ding Wenguang, Yu Juan, Bu Hongmei. A quantitative study on the correlation between energy resources and poverty in Gansu Province [J]. Economic Geography. 2007, 27 (6): 1025-1029.

36.     Hu Xiaojun, Ding Wenguang, Lei Qing. An analysis of equality in environment management [J]. Environment and Sustainable Development. 2007, (4): 47-49.

37.     Ding Wenguang, Lei Qing,Yang Qin. A Research on the Motivation Forces of the Natural Pasture and Sustainable Development in Xiahe County [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2007, 21 (12): 84-88.

38.     Ding Wenguang, Chen Fahu, Nan Zhongren. A Quantitative Research on the Forestry Endowment and Poverty in Gansu Province [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2006, 20 (6): 152-155.

39.     Ding Wenguang, Bu Hongmei, Hu Xiaojun et al. A quantitative research on the relationships between water resource endowment and poverty in Gansu Province [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment. 2006, 16 (1): 282-284.

40.     Ding Wenguang, Lei Qing, Yu Juan. A quantitative study on the correlation between poverty and arable land resources in Gansu Province [J]. Economic Geography. 2006, 26 (4): 636-638.

41.     Ding Wenguang, Lei Qing, Hu Xiaojun et al. The public participation in environmental policy [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment. 2006, 16(2): 425-428.

42.     Bu Hongmei, Ding Wenguang. A Study on Degradation of Ecological Environment and Its Rehabilitation Measures in the Central Arid Zone of Gansu Province—A Case Study in Dongxiang County [J]. Academic Pioneer. 2006 (5): 122-125.

43.     Han Tao, Ding Wenguang. On Definition, Classification and Characteristics of Environmental Policy Risks [J]. Shanxi Education (Theoretical Edition). 2006 (12): 256-257.

44.     Ding Wenguang, Bu Hongmei , Hu Xiaojun , Lei Qing. A Quantitative Research on Grassland Resource Endowment and Poverty in Gansu Province [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2005, 19 (7): 43-45.

45.     Ding Wenguang, Wu Hong’an. Research on Current Farmers’ Agricultural Tax and Strategic Measures in Gansu Province [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment. 2005, 15 (, , , , , , 6): 100-106. 

46.     Ding Wenguang, Bu Hongmei, Hu Xiaojun et al. Application of CBDM in disaster management—a case study in Manwan Township, Jingdong County, Yunnan Province [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment. 2005, 15 (Special Issues): 108-110.

47.     Ding Wenguang, Bu Hongmei etc. A Study on Environmental Awareness in Arid Regions of Gansu Province [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2004, 18 (8 Supp.): 12-16.

48.     Ding Wenguang, Hu Xiaojun etc. A Research on the Gap between the Aims and Reality of Cropland to Woodland or Grasses in the Central Arid Regions of Gansu Province [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment. 2004, 18 (8 Supp.): 75-81.

49.     Ding Wenguang, Du Guozhen, Bu Hongmei, Hu Xiaojun. The theory and practice of participatory environmental management—A case study on participatory rangeland management in Maqu Tibetan County, Gansu Province [J]. Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences). 2004, 40 (Supp.):  277-281, 285.

50.     Tian Liang, Wang Wei, Liu Tiejun, Xie Yaowen, Ding Wenguang. The Participatory Methods in Community Work and Its Use in Desertification Control [J].  2004 International Seminar on Western China’s Environment Problems and Sustainable Development.

International Traveling, Interpretation

and Translation Experience

Aug. 2012:            Australia Study Tour.

Dec. 2007:

Aug. 2007:

Jan. 2007:

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Help University study tour, Malaysia.

Community-based Disaster Risk Management study tour, the Philippines.

May 2006:

Oxfam International Disaster Management Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand.

Aug. 2004:

Learning the Community organizations in the Philippines with support of Oxfam.

Aug. – Sept. 2000:

As the mission leader and interpreter, leading the China World Bank Project Mission to the 8 Western European countries to learn project management.

Nov. – Dec. 1999:

As Interpreter and translator, leading the Gansu Animal Husbandry Study

Tour Mission to Australia to learn agriculture management in Australia.

Nov. 1997 – Dec. 2001:

World Bank China Poverty Reduction Project interpretation, translation

and management.

Sept.- Oct. 1996:

As interpreter and translator, leading the Gansu Animal Husbandry Study

Tour Mission to New Zealand and Australia to learn agricultural management experience.

Mar. – Sept. 1995:

Translated and published in Chinese of China’s Pastoral Region

written by Prof. John W. Longworth, Queensland University, Australia.

Sept. – Oct. 1995:

Leading China Trade Mission to attend 1995 New Zealand-China

Investment, Trade, Technology and Cooperation Seminar in Wellington,

New Zealand. Host Unit: The Parliament House, Wellington.

Sept. – Oct. 1994:

As interpreter and translator, leading the Chinese Agricultural and Animal

Husbandry Training Mission to New Zealand and Australia to learn

agricultural management experience.

Sept. – Oct. 1993:

As interpreter, leading Gansu Animal Husbandry Study Tour Mission to

Canada and USA to learn animal husbandry management experience.



Dec. 2012: The Project titled Using Innovation Models to Promote Sustainable Development in Rural

Poverty Communitis led by Prof. Ding was offered 2nd China Social Innovation Award.

May 2012: The Project titled Promoting Climate Change Addressing by Using PPP in Rural Poverty

Communities led by Prof. Ding was offered 2012 Chip World Charity Innovation Award by Intel

(China) Co. Limited.

Jan. 2012: An Integration Model of Disaster Risk Management, Environmental Rehabilitation and

Livelihood Improvement led by Dr. Ding was offered the 2011 Disaster Management Prize by 

One Foundation, China.

Jun. 2011: Dr. Wenguang Ding was offered the Personal Outstanding Contribution Award by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, China and Vale, Brazil.

Dec. 2010: The project titled Community-based Adaptation to and Mitigation for Climate Changes in

Arid Regions of Northwest China led by Dr. Ding won the First Prize of Energy Saving and

Reduction of CO2 Emissions offered by 2010 Ford Motor Conservation & Environmental Grants.

Dec. 2010: A Research on Nature-Social Environment and Poverty Crisis – A Case Study in Gansu

Province, written by Dr. Ding and published by Science Press in 2008 won the First Prize of the

12th Excellent Social Science Research Outcomes offered by Gansu Provincial Government.

Jul. 2010: A Research on Environmental Policy and Poverty led by Dr. Ding won the second prize of

Environmental Science and Technology Advance offered by Gansu Provincial Institute for

Environmental Sciences.

May, 1997: A published article the Agricultural Export Strategies in New Zealand and Australia and

Their Revelation for China was offered the third prize by the Excellence Award Appraisal

Committee of Gansu Social Science Research.  



电 邮:lucwesd@lzu.edu.cn or wgding@lzu.edu.cn
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